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04-11-2001 @ very late night
On the Mend

I'm feeling much improved from yesterday. Of course, I could have died and felt better compared to yesterday, but I didn't have to. After waking several times during the night to heed the call of (un)nature, I completely evacuated my digestive system (and lost 4.5 pounds in the process). I've never had anything like that--it was pure liquid. Amazing. In a really gross sort of way.

I got Joey off to school today and then fell asleep until noon when my Nutrition teacher called. She was very kind and we agreed to meet at 1pm tomorrow. I spent the day on the couch just relaxing and dozing and watching a show on the history of music videos on VH-1. I had 2 waffles and they stayed down, but best of all, they didn't go right through me. I felt a little bit of nausea but it passed after about an hour. I think it was mostly just my stomach wondering what that solid stuff was after the siege and 36 hours of no food.

I talked to Amy today. She's going to pose nude for Stacy. They're both pretty excited about it. Stacy was wanting someone to pose for her but couldn't think of anyone who would undress. I suggested Amy and hooked them up. What are sisters for, anyway? I'm going to meet them at the studio and be the light lackey. After the photo shoot, Amy and I are going to do some shopping. I need to get some things for Joey's Easter basket and for the Pagan Springtime Ritual. I need to mention that to Stacy, too. Ooh, I think I'll go to Uwagimaya and get some of those jelly things. Yeah!

I read that Angelbutt is like me when it comes to seasons for writing. Spring and summer. Something about winter just sucks the words out of my brain. I need to work with color in the fall and winter. That's when I do the majority of my scrapbooking. That's a color-filled hobby for winter. I think that helps a lot with winter doldrums and depression--all that color and creativity and happy reflections looking at all those great pictures.

You know, I need a scrapbooking day. I haven't done any work on my scrapbooks for months--probably since my last beach retreat. Ooh, that reminds me I need to call Debbie and reserve her beach house for my next retreat in May. I'd better do that tomorrow.

Well, since it is past 2am, I think I'll try to talk myself into some sleep. For dinner tonight, I took Joey to Carl's Jr. and she played on the outdoor play structure while I read my chemistry book. I thought that was a win-win situation. And I felt so virtuous for studying. The bad part was that I drank a big Dr Pepper. I just had a huge craving for it. So that, on top of my lazy, sleepy day has conspired to make me very unsleepy tonight. I think I'll just have to put down the computer and watch TV until I fall asleep. Shouldn't take too long, I hope.



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