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04-12-2001 @ 11:46 p.m.
And He Returns

Ed is HOME! Yay! It is so nice to see him again. Not that he was gone so very long but he was gone during an illness and that makes the absence much harder to stomach. (Ooh, sorry, bad pun. I apologize.)

Angelbutt is a procrastinating packrat after my own heart. More power to you, my dear. I have the same organization technique--twice or thrice yearly purging when I'm feeling fed up enough to really throw things away. When I'm in that place, I can really do some serious purging. But I have to be in a steely and hard mood so I can be unemotional as I throw out old greeting cards and children's drawings, old shoes, old sweatshirts, and so on and so on. I'm due for one of those moods, too.

I'm watching Hot Off the Grill with Bobby Flay. I like this show--I like his style of cooking (except for his rather unnatural attraction for cilantro--yech!) But, Jacqui Malouf is not on the show anymore and it's just dead without her. So now I only watch the show when there are reruns where she is co-hosting. If I see the intro and she's not on, I switch to something else (or I watch and sneer the whole time).

I'm hungry. Truly hungry. My stomach is asking for food. What a great feeling! Hasn't happened in a few days. Of course, considering that I've probably only eaten about 1500 calories since Monday, is it any surprise that I'm hungry? I think I shall dig around in the kitchen and see what I can find. I just had a WebVan grocery delivery tonight so there should be something decent.

Tomorrow night Ed is taking Joey on a date to see Pokemon 3 and I'm staying home to make my world-famous carrot cake. It's divine! I make it every year for the Pagan Springtime Ritual. The kids don't eat it but the grown ups love it. For the kids I have cantaloupe, strawberries and ice cream sandwiches. And Easter goodies. Am I a great hostess or what??

I felt well enough to clean the kitchen, put stuff away and do a load of laundry. I didn't want Ed to come home to a messy house since he was kind enough to clean the kitchen before he left. There weren't many dishes to do since I didn't cook the whole time, but we did eat cereal and waffles and Joey had containers from her lunches.

Today for some reason I was kind of bitchy. Well, not to everyone and not all day, but it certainly hit me earlier. I think maybe it was Joey and her 2 friends Baylee and Shannon. I don't like Shannon much and Baylee makes such a big deal about seeing Shannon that she often hurts Joey's feelings and the 3 of them together just drive me nuts. So to prevent any discord, I lean on them heavily. I make sure that all 3 of them have exactly the same thing--nothing extra, otherwise one may lord it over the others. Anyway, I was terse and grouchy with them, but they didn't drive me crazy so perhaps that is the way to be with them. One thing I know for sure, I will never have the 3 of them in my house at the same time again. I learned my lesson on that front last summer.

Oh, I told Jaimie about Diaryland. She is very interested and will probably take a look. I think it would be really kewl if she had a diary here. I probably wouldn't read it because I think it's weird to read diaries of people I know in 3-D but it would be a fun thing.

Well now I'm really really hungry so I'm going to go eat something. A bona fide midnight snack. I feel like Dagwood Bumstead. But I won't make such a huge sandwich. I wish I had more waffles--I'm in a waffle kinda mood.



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