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05-06-2001 @ 6:19 p.m.
Ack! Diaryland Ate My Entry!

Well, it happened to me finally. Diaryland ate my entry when I pressed Done. Ack! I wrote about still being sick and still having a painful canker sore and missing church which made me sad. I wrote about the bread pudding I made and the quesadillas I'm making later out of grilled chicken, grilled onions, brocolli and cheese. I wrote that I'm sorry if people are bored with my cooking updates but because my hobby time is limited, I have to combine my hobby with a necessary activity (feeding my family) so you all get to hear it. I also said that if anyone is ever interested in a recipe, feel free to drop me an email and I'll pass the recipe along.

I think there was more but I can't remember what it was. If I think of something good, I'll update this entry.



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