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04-24-2001 @ 10:31 p.m.
Sunny Day... Sweeping the Clouds Away

It was a sunny, warm and very beautiful day today. The windows are still open, helping to air out this stale house. It just changed my whole mood! I was wearying of the greyness and rain and my brain kept telling me it was November, not April. So today, I was reminded that it is, indeed, spring. Ah--spring.

I got an 86 on my A&P exam. My lowest exam score so far. I'm very sad about that. I guess I need to stop being so cocky and buckle down a little more. I'm not putting enough effort into my studying these days. Like tonight--I should be working on my nutritional analysis but I'm online. I think I'm an online addict. Wah! Maybe I should go cold turkey--no more TV, no more computer. Ack--I think I'd implode!

I'm just not in the mood to study. Especially since I spent all night last night working on my giardiasis paper and overheads for the oral presentation. I'll do a little bit of my analysis--like quantifying my amounts and writing them in my chart. Yes, I can do that much without going crazy.

I have a headache so I really don't feel like doing much of anything. I just want to take a shower and go to bed. Maybe I'll do that. Ed is forcing me to watch NBA basketball on TV and I hate basketball on TV. I think I'll take myself up on that shower idea.

Sorry this is such a short and dull entry. There's just nothing much to discuss today and my headache is sucking all the cleverness and wit and intelligence right out of me. Oh well.



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