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04-23-2001 @ late night
Organ Donation and Book Groups

Yes, I am an organ donor, Lucretia. Even with a religious bent, I'm an organ donor. I couldn't possibly live with myself (ha!) knowing that I'd denied someone else the gift of life. Of course, it's not enough to just say you are a donor, you have to make sure that the decision-making people in your life know of your wishes and will acquiesce if necessary. They're they ones who will really carry out your organ donor request.

I went back downtown today to exchange Joey's pants. It was so lonely to go there by myself after the lovely weekend we had. Made me kind of sad.

I slept in this morning again. I'm turning into a serious slouch. I missed A&P today. I don't usually miss class if I can avoid it. I'm actually quite anal about attending class. So what did I do? I just slept and slept this morning. I guess a weekend of leisure was too much to recover from in just one day.

I called UofP today to find out the status of my application. It's still being reviewed at the School of Nursing. Crap. They said they'd probably have an answer by the end of the week. But they've been sitting on it for so long--almost over 2 months. And the financial aid people won't look at my application for financial aid until I'm admitted to the school but I'm sure that the long wait has pretty much killed any chance I may have had at getting financial aid. I've pretty much given up any hope of attending school next year. And that's actually a rather attractive idea. I'm losing steam.

Looks like our bookgroup is going to be getting a few new faces. I think one will be good, but I'm not sure about the other 2 possibilities. I think it's time to tighten the gates and put a moratorium on new members and guests just so we can stabilize. And I think we need people to re-evaluate their level of commitment to the bookgroup and fish or cut bait. We've got some people who come once a quarter or so and expect to be part of the hosting rotation. I see that as a privilege and if you aren't paying your dues, you don't get to host. Ooh, I sound like such a drill seargent. Oh well--that's ok. It's my baby--I started it, I get to have final veto power.

I wrote a lovely little paper tonight on giardiasis. What a delightful parasitic disease! I did a great paper, though, with *color* transparencies for the presentation tomorrow. I should get a very good grade on this project. Now I need to get started on my nutritional analysis and on my oxytocin/terbutaline paper.

Now it's past 2am so I'd better go to bed. I'd better get up tomorrow--I have to get Joey to school on time and get my prelab and postlab done for the chem lab.

Somehow I injured my right shoulder last week and it still hurts. It is painful to lift my arm straight out from my body. You would think that should be an easy action to avoid, but I find myself needing to do that more frequently than I'd like.

Time to go. Later...


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