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10-08-2003 @ 12:23 a.m.
Photo-Rama Part I

In the next day or two, I'm going to post a few entries of photos that I took at the beach. Of the 100+ photos I took, there are about 15 or 20 that I really like. It's too many for one entry so I'll have to split them up into groups. These first two are the only non-person pictures I'll be posting. In general, I'm not a big fan of photos that don't include people. I like to call this first one "Jellyfish on a Stick"

The surf was really wild that day and there were a lot of jelly fish washed up on the sand. Most were about the size of a breast implant but this one was huge. The boys just had to pick it up and return it to the sea but I had to take a picture of it first.

This one is called "Balance."

The boys went to the beach before we adults got there with the strict proviso that they had to stay on the dry sand area. They were playing with an old bonfire ring and someone put this big rock on top of a post that had been burned by a bonfire at one point.

These next three are pictures of the boy who was holding the jellyfish on the stick. I loved the roiling sea behind the boy. In this first photo, all you can see is water and the boy and that great yellow hat.

I had the camera set to a fast shutter speed to capture these boys in motion so I was able to capture the water in mid-splash as it washed up against Jordan's legs in this next photo.

He fell down in the water when he was playing around so he ended up very wet, all the way up to his head. Just as we were preparing to leave, I caught him with his wet locks.

I'm going to talk with the owner of a small cafe here in town about displaying my photos. He hangs work by local artists in his cafe (where I eat lunch all the time and went to a cooking class) and today when I went there for lunch, he had some black and white photos up. I'm not sure how long I'll need to prepare but then again, I'm not sure how far out he is scheduled. I'll go visit him next week to talk about it.

In other news, I had the nephew today and he hardly slept all day. He took 3 half-hour naps between 7:15am and 9:45pm and that just wasn't enough. He's six months old--he's supposed to sleep a lot more than that. He used to take a 3-hour nap from noonish to 3-ish every day after taking an hour nap in the morning as well but lately, he's just been cat-napping. Arrggh! I hate that. He was really naking me crazy tonight when he was so tired but wouldn't fall asleep. I was getting very tense and cranky and then finally he zonked out at 9:45. I'm not really crazy about this 28-hour babysitting thing. Especially when it's as sporadic as it has been because he's used to sleeping at his own house and not mine and that makes nights more difficult.

Oh well. I'm sure I'll survive. I have Kmusik tomorrow morning and then I have to drive an hour to deliver the nephew so Amy can go to a service plan meeting for Grandma at the place where she lives. And then I have to drive back and also go shopping for a birthday gift for Joey's friend whose birthday party is tomorrow afternoon. But I'll be able to take a nap in the afternoon.

Ed is flying to CA for the day tomorrow and he won't be home until 10 or so and Joey is going to a slumber party (no school WThF this week) so I'll be home alone. I'm thinking I'll get my scrapbook stuff out and have myself a scrapbook-a-rama. I'll invite Britt, too, but since we have bookgroup on Thursday, she probably won't be able to make it two nights in a row. I think her husband goes to school on Wed. nights, anyway. But at least I'll get to play.



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