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08-26-2001 @ 10:09 p.m.
Sunny Sunday Afternoon

Today was a lovely day. I didn't do much but that was part of the beauty. We picked up Grandma and went to church and then she came over for dinner afterward. It was a simple meal--just a sort of clean-out-the-fridge type of dinner but she loved being here and dining with us. After dinner we played cribbage while Joey flitted about and Ed read his book.

I took her home and then went over to visit our neighbors and bring them a list of babysitters in the area that I know well and have used. I chatted with them for a few minutes. I enjoy their company so much. I can see a future of dropping over there after getting the kids off to school for a cup of tea and some lively conversation. Shopping trips. Lunches. Watching each other's kids. I don't know how I got to lucky, but I've wanted a neighbor like this forever.

Tomorrow, Joey and I head out to the beach. Jaimie isn't coming til Tuesday and may or may not spend the night. She's in a funk right now and not really wanting to talk about it, but I think that's probably what she needs most so I'm hoping I can get her to stay at least one night and then sit up and talk with her into the night. Or rather, *listen* to her talk into the night. We haven't had much time to talk lately.

I won't have internet access from the house but there is a cyber cafe at the Outlet Mall that I can use to update. Thanks, Mary, for cluing me in to that.

I had all kinds of things running through my brain today--deeply philosophical things--to write about but I'm just not in a deeply philosophical place right now so everything I'd try to write would be banal or artificial or forced, so I won't go there right now.

One thing--how lame is a game show that shows reruns? I've seen about 5 episodes of The Weakest Link and I swear, they keep rerunning those five episodes over and over and over. I can't see how a show can stay on the air if they do that.

I need to go take a hit from my asthma inhaler. I don't know what is bothering my asthma right now but it's been irritating me for awhile and I keep coughing. I don't like that feeling--I call it having hairy lungs.

Tomorrow is Ed's first day back to work after his 8 weeks of sabbatical. It's going to be a sad day for him. Think happy thoughts on his behalf.


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