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07-07-2001 @ 11:35 p.m.
Laughter Laughter Everywhere

I laughed so hard last night I peed my pants. Not a lot, but there was definite wetness. But I couldn't stop laughing. I laughed until my stomach hurt. I laughed until I cried. I laughed until I had an asthma attack. And then I laughed some more. I could tell you what I laughed at but it was one of those at-the-moment zingers that would be completely lost in translation. Suffice it to say that I am married to the Absolute King of the One-Liner.

We had dinner at our lovely friends, the Griffins, last night with another family, the Bowers. I had gone Robin Hooding (shooting the archery range) earlier in the day with the Bowers family, which was utterly delightful. Turns out I'm a good shot. (I already knew that.) My best shot was about an inch and a half from dead center. Not bad for the first time I've shot an arrow since sixth grade. There is one thing very different about me now than when I was in sixth grade. I have boobs. Not just average sized ones, either. I'm cursed with rather large ones. I completely understand the myth of the one-breasted Amazon women now because I have had a breast tweaked rather soundly with the string of my bow. Greg tells me, after I mention that I don't need the arm guard he gave me but would prefer instead a boob guard, that there are leather half-jackets that women archers wear. I loved the archery but I think I'd have to get me one of those boob guards if I were to do it again.

So, back to the dinner. We grilled chicken and steaks and stuffed ourselves silly with dinner and luscious key lime pie. After playing a family-oriented game, we adults sent the kids off and settled into several rounds of Combat Uno. It's a rather aggressive and vindictive version of a usually tame card game and we love it. We were also very silly and cracking jokes all night long. Ed was the one who had us laughing the hardest, though. You'd have to know my quiet, reserved husband to appreciate the contrast between his public persona and his hilarious intimate self. People who don't know him well are surprised to find out what a funny guy he is because he doesn't share his great sense of humor with people until he knows them very well. There are only a handful of families who have seen this, my very favorite side of him. When we play games with our good friends and I see that mischievous and comedic side of him emerge, I remember why I fell in love with him.

Today, Russell came over to help paint the house. Ed continued spraying the side and back of the house while Russell and I painted trim in the front. I taped everything first (I'm the Tape Master), though Russell of the Steady Hand jumped in and started painting without taped edges. We got one coat on everything and a second coat on about a third of it. It looks pretty good so far. I can't wait until this is done. At least we were able to remove the plastic from all the windows and doors. Whew! That plastic was bad--it emitted a noxious gas that gave me a headache and smelled of melting wax crayons. I was more than happy to see it go.

My neck is very achy now as are my shoulders. And that's after only about 5 hours of taping and painting. I can't imagine how stiff and sore Ed must be after two days of painting and climbing ladders. Perhaps I should be a good wife and offer to give him a massage. I'll think about it. In the meantime, if you want something that will make you laugh, you simply *must* check out Bev's diary.


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