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06-08-2001 @ after 2am
And The Sister Time Keeps on Rolling

Cherri got here around 6:15. Joey was so excited to see her. She had to share her Progress Report and read the beautiful new book Cherri brought for Joey called Gifts of Birth (or something like that). She was sounding out big words like imagination and contribution. I was so proud of her!

We went to dinner at the newly opened Quizno's. Yum! It was so tasty. I just knew I was going to like that place.

After that, we settled Grandma and Joey back at home and got ready to leave. We went to a Mt. Tabor theatre and pub to listen to a celtic rock band called Clumsy Lovers. They were FABULOUS! That fiddle player can PLAY! She was very talented. They played a celtic/folk version of AC/DC's You Shook Me All Night Long. I thought I was going to die laughing when I figured out what the song it. They have something of a following here in the Portland area. There was a large crowd in the front who started out doing something that vaguely resembled River Dance but it morphed into hopping. Before long, it seemed that half the place was hopping in unison. It was very strange to have all these hopping people around me.

I am definitely getting old, though. I had to put cotton in my ears. I realized I could hear better with a slight baffle between my ears and the speakers so I stuffed a litle cotton into my ears--not a lot and not tightly--and I could actually hear everything better. Much better, in fact. This stuff was so loud! And being in a small venue, the volume seemed more intense. Especially the higher frequencies. That's what I was able to reduce with the ear plugs.

I really enjoyed myself and it was so nice to spend a night out with my sister and her husband. Ed enjoyed himself, too. It reminded me of when we used to go out together all the time before Joey was born. We'd go to long, leisurely dinners and talk all night. The 4 of us could just talk and talk and talk. I wish they didn't live so far away. Then again, maybe we'll live in their town again sometime in the next 4 or 5 years.

You know what I don't like about going out to night clubs? I hate coming home smelling like an old ashtray. Ick. How can people stand to smell like this every day?

I believe I have caught my daughter's cold. She's been sick the past few days--low grade fever even. Now it's my turn. My ears are plugged (yes, I took my ear plugs out--they're still plugged), my throat scratchy, my nose runny/stuffy, my sinuses feeling like they're about to explode (Kathy, I'm sure you can relate to this feeling.), and my soft palate is slightly swollen and irritated. I thought it was allergies but I'm pretty sure it's a cold mixed with allergies. It sucks. I'm sleeping on the couch tonight so I can really prop myself up well. I can't breathe if I lay down to sleep.

But now I'm going go to sleep. Or at least try. I hope I catch a few ZzzzZzzs tonight.



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