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05-08-2001 @ 10:00 p.m.
Lots of Alone Time Today--Yay!

Chem lab was very short today so I was able to finish the post lab report before I left and still have and hour and a half to sit in the sun and listen to the reggae band play and (later) watch the salsa dancers dance (mostly I listened to the great salsa music as there were very rude people standing in my way--don't get me started on that one!). I studied my A&P lab material in preparation for the quiz today and when I was quite certain I had it all down pat, I wrote more on the scene from my novel that I started last night. I started a new scene last night, not a new novel. Heavens! I've been working (off and on, mostly off) on this novel for about 7 years now. How pathetic is that? I don't really count the 2+ years I had to put it away after my mom died--the main character's mom dies 2 weeks before the opening of the book--because it just hit too close to home.

Anyway, I've written about 1000 words on this new scene--not a big deal, but any progress is counted as good by me. Perhaps my muse has come for a visit--I do hope so. I'll do whatever I can to make her feel comfortable and encourage her to stay. It's likely that what I wrote last night and today really sucks but I need to make some forward progress and just get the skeleton of this written. I really like the first 7 chapters so far so I need to just get this going and get some words on paper. I can fiddle with it later once it's out of my head.

Joey has a sore throat--she was very froggy when I went to pick her up after lab today. I decided she needed to skip choir tonight even though she really wanted to go. She said "I'll just watch--I won't sing, I promise!" but I had to say no. I didn't want to make her worse, and she did sound very froggy. I got her to fall asleep early tonight (8:15 instead of the 9:45 she's been doing lately) by letting her fall asleep on the loveseat here in the family room. Ed was working late, so I had some nice quiet time to myself. Of course, I filled it with mindless TV and internet surfing. The Mindless TV consisted of Trauma, Life in the ER; The Operation; The New Detectives; and Dharma and Greg. (Had to get some laughs in there somewhere!)

We got out early from A&P lab today and since I needed to study for my Nutrition test on Friday, I took myself to dinner at a Tex-Mex cafe that I really like and had a nice dinner while I ready about 8 dense pages from my Nutrition book. It was a nice little interlude before I went to pick up Joey. Of course, when I got there and she said she had a sore throat, I felt slightly bad. But only slightly.

So tell me, what can a wife do to get her husband to take care of things that need attending to? Ed isn't sleeping well and I want him to go see his doctor or have a sleep study done, but he won't. "What can they do for me?" He is stressed out and grinding his teeth into nubbins and won't get a nightguard to chomp on.

Then again, I'm due for a pap smear and I haven't made an appointment yet so perhaps I have no ground to stand on.

I'm debating whether to read more Nutrition textbook or write more on my scene. Hmmm.... I guess I'll read more Nutrition and write later, before I go to sleep.

I love programs on forensic science. If it weren't for the smell, I'd have become a pathologist or forensic chemist or something like that. But the smell--blech!

Time to read...


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