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04-07-2003 @ 9:49 a.m.
Ah, Return to Normalcy

Yesterday marked my favorite day of the year--the day we return to Daylight Saving Time. There are few days that I look forward to with such anticipation. I just love it, love it, love it. Even if I do lose an hour of sleep. Actually, I didn't lose any sleep--I just slept in (of course, that made going to sleep last night a little difficult but we'll adjust). We spent the whole day in jammies just doing little things around the house and hanging out and reading. I loved it!

I started reading our new bookgroup book--it's called B@lzac and the Little Chinese Se@mstress by D@i Sieji and it's incredible. I highly recommend it! I'm anxious for the discussion of it--it will be great.

Joey got braces today. This morning, actually. At 8am. She looks cute as can be, I tell ya. Not that she's not cute enough already but the braces look good on her--she has nice big teeth and soon they'll be nice and straight. Getting braces on is much easier these days than it was when I got my braces on in the ancient 80s.

Amy and Aidan were going to come over today but she told me today that she has her stepson this afternoon and has a few errands to run in town today and has to take him to some meetings for baseball later. I'm so bummed. I won't be able to see them until Thursday and I'm totally bumming. I guess I could go there but I didn't make plans for that today and I have stuff I need to do here. Rats! I'm all off-kilter now because I had other plans for the day and now they're all dashed. And I need a nap desperately. I only got about 6 hours of sleep last night.

I want to read more and I want to write more but fatigue is overcoming me and my eyes are very dry and irritated. I think I'll just have to succumb to the lure of the morning nap. (I love morning naps, by the way.)



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