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03-18-2002 @ 11:04 p.m.
Final Critique

Way-ell, the photog critique went better than expected. I was almost embarrassed to put my prints up because I didn't like them but the class responded to them well. When I was lamenting the money and time I put into the collage and how disappointed I was in the piece, they were very encouraging and told me not to beat myself up over it. It was nice. Not stellar but nice. And I found out that my friend Kim will be in the portfolio class next term so I'm happy about that, too.

I had Delyn's kids this afternoon while she labored and gave birth to little Jeremy. It was a much harder labor than with her other kids and the epidural took more than 10 pokes but she's doing well. And the baby is keeyoot! I brought the kids over to see their new brother after dinner (pizza from Papa Murphee's). They are really going to have their hands full with a 22 month old and a newborn. I didn't think Julia was ever going to stop moving. She was into everything in the birthing suite. Twice. Up down over under--a whirling dervish, I tell you. It was crazy. But she came back to my house and fell right to sleep like a trooper--nary a tear. She's a sweetie. The big brothers were sweet with the baby, both angling for the most amount of holding time. I took a bunch of pictures, B&W and color. I look forward to seeing them.

Oh--update on the Car Scratcher. She called while I was at the beach. "I left a note on your car," said she. (Liar!) "Why didn't you just knock on my door?" Sure, she did. She's so full of crap! "I got out and looked at it and thought it was just powdery stuff, not really scratched." Oh yeah--black paint does that. "Just call me back when you get an estimate." At least she's going to be responsible so I don't have to diss her all over town.

Thank you all so much for your kind emails and guestbook entries. I appreciate your thoughts and concern. Tomorrow is Call the Therapist day. I'll let you know.

And I need to talk with Stacey. There is some distance between us and I want to be able to share what is going on here. I can't stand that I feel this distance and I need to make sure things are ok.

No classes for 2 weeks. That works for me!


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