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12-27-2001 @ midnight
Games and Traffic Woes

I went downtown today to Pioneer Place mall to exchange my shirt and I thought I was going to die of frustration. It took me 30 minutes to drive down 4th avenue, which normally takes about 7 minutes. Traffic heading toward the mall was awful! The first parking structure had a FULL sign on it despite seeing at least 20 cars exit the structure while I was waiting to get past it. The next structure, however, is the one I always park at and I found a spot without a problem. I just so hate s-l-o-w traffic like that. I mean, it's not like anyone likes it, but I was just so frustrated.

Shopping was fun--I exchanged my red shirt that was too small for a lime green shirt that fits. I don't wear red clothing anymore because I don't like how it looks with my orange hair. Lime green, however, goes anytime. Mmmm...lime green. I found Joey some kewl purple velvet wide-leg leggings for half off. She fell in love with them. I remember being her age and going crazy for some clothes like that. It doesn't enter your consciousness that purple velvet might not be everyday wear, but that doesn't matter when you're 8 years old. What matters is that they are pretty and soft and mom bought them for you. Like when she was five and had gold glitter shoes and wanted to wear them with everything. I just love that.

Meier & Frank had men's pajamas on sale so I bought two pairs for Ed. We need new PJs for our New Year's Eve Pajama Party since neither of us wanted to wear our old, ratty pajamas. I went to Nordstrom first looking for pajamas and all they had were uptight gentlemen's pajamas for $50+ which all looked like something the butler might iron and set out for you. No freaking thanks! Who wears that stuff?

After shopping, we went to the Griffins for dinner and games. We played all our new games--Quidler (intentionally misspelled), Cranium, and Battle of the Sexes. We loved Cranium--what a fun game! Battle of the sexes was fun, too, but the men thought the women's questions were too easy. I'd have to disagree but they won't play it anymore. Losers. ::g::

It was fun to have a small gathering--after the several large and larger social events we've had in the past week or so, having a small get-together was perfect. And we ate no ham. We're all hammed out. No more ham for a long time. Well, ham sandwiches are ok, but sliced ham that you eat with a fork is right out!

I still need to put my house back together after Christmas. We still have many of our gifts on the floor in the living room under the tree. I hate trying to find a place to put your new stuff. My house is already loaded to almost-overflowing--we don't have room for new stuffs yet every year we buy it.

I woke up many times during the night--once with killer heartburn. I get heartburn all the time--I take acid reducers to control the reflux--but I've never been awakened by the pain of heartburn before. That was rather unpleasant. And then I was wearing some of my new pajamas--jersey knit instead of my usual fleece-backed satin--and felt like I was being strangled all night as I moved around and my pajamas stayed put. I hate that! How do people sleep with "sticky" pajamas? I could never do it. My jersey knit PJs are purely for lounging from now on and I will only ever sleep in satin jammies. I've learned my lesson!

--A wiser and sleepier L

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