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Come get reviewed too!
12-19-2001 @ 11:11 p.m.

I had a list of something like 15 things to do today (with about 4 or 5 subthings) and I pretty much did them all. I still need to do one of my subthings but I'm feeling pretty good about my list-crossing-off accomplishments today.

While I was in the middle of my Thing Doing today, I ran into Gwynne. She is a massage therapist at a local salon and she said to stop by when I was done and the store where we met up so I did. I went back to her new room that she has and we chatted a few minutes and then she said the magic words: Would You Like a Massage?

Would I?? WOULD I??? I'm a massage whore--of course I'd like a massage! And a free one? Even better. So she set up her table and I took off my shirt and got settled on the table and she went to work. It was so lovely--I really enjoyed it. She's been offering free massages ever since she started massage school and I've never been in a position to take her up on them but today I had time and boy was it worth it! I got a 45 minute massage on my back, shoulders, neck, arms and hands and when I was done I felt all loopy for a while. I do believe I'll be making time for more massages.

It was Brownies day today. Remember the Brownie leader? Yeesh. I sort of felt bad for her, though, because she had a some curve balls thrown at her today. The person who was supposed to bring snack didn't bring it so I had to scramble to fix some Kool-Aid and crackers for the girls while Dulce talked about the flag salute and other things they'll do every meeting and then the assistant leader was at a job interview for most of the Brownie meeting and last, the sister of one of the girls came and expected to be able to do all the stuff the other girls were doing. "I'm a helper" she said, though she did absolutely no helping whatsoever. I was sure I saw smoke coming out of Dulcinea's ears.

I believe I'm done shopping. I can hardly believe it myownself, but I've crossed all the things off my list. Now all I need to do is mail a small package to my sister (to supplement what I sent her earlier) but she lives in the same state so it should be there by Monday.

Oh, and thanks everyone for reassuring me that Ed isn't some kind of social miscreant for watching TV too loudly. He's just a guy, I guess, much as I try to forget the fact that he is a Guy. I like to think he's not typical but he sneaks up and shows me from time to time that he really is a Guy. ::sigh:: I guess I'll survive. ::wink::


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