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12-11-2001 @ 1:58 a.m.
Ooh, My Kinda Man

More later, I'm sure. Today I took a morning nap after taking Joey to school. I'm all upsidedown on my sleep and can't seem to get it right again. I'm just going to have to force myself to stay awake tomorrow after taking Joey to school.

But I did some matting and framing of pictures for dad and the inlaws. I have to get a few more done and then I can put the stuff away for awhile.

Joey came home and did her homework very nicely and then after she was finished, she said "You know what I want to do right now? I want to cuddle with my mom." She crawled on my lap and for the next hour we cuddled and giggled and tickled and talked. It was so lovely. She wanted to tell me about the boys she liked and the boys who liked her (not always the same boys). She asked me about the boys I liked when I was in 2nd grade so I told her about Roger Kerch and Walter Miles. When I was describing Walt (tall, dark brown hair, very strong...) she said, "Ooh, that sounds like my kinda man." I just wanted to bust out laughing--it was so hilarious.

I so loved our hour together today. It's a memory I have to keep in the front of my mind so that when she's being snotty or pushing me away, I can remember back when we had that moment in time when all the world went away and it was just us. I hope we'll have more of those hours.

Tonight I met with Dulcinea (the Brownie troop mom) and another classroom coordinator to plan the holiday party for our children's classroom. It was supposed to only last about an hour but we just kept talking and talking (and Dulce seemed to always want to expand each project we were planning and we had to reign her in. When I hopped in my car, turned the key and was shocked to see it was 11pm! Three hours we talked there. ::sigh::

Now it's 2am and I must go to bed. Why? Because there is an informercial with Kathi Lee about some skin care product that makes you look younger. Save me!


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