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11-19-2001 @ 11:47 p.m.
Happy Thanksgiving, Brought to You by Nordstrom

I keep feeling like I'm getting another cold but it doesn't go any further than an irritated soft palate (which makes me snore--fun!) and a slightly irritated throat and a bit of sinus congestion on the left side. So either this is the world's longest cold incubation period or the world's mildest cold. I'm hoping it's the latter.

Ed was home today--he has the whole week off. We're going to breakfast tomorrow after we take Joey to school. I'm just not sure where we're going to go. Ooh--I just had an idea. Yay! After our breakfast date, I need to go grocery shopping for Thanksgiving. We were selected to get 5% off our purchases at Safeway for 2 months. It was supposed to be for 1 month but it kept going and it will be over 11/28. How convenient. I like getting 5% off my grocery bill. And my free Starbuck's beverage. Perhaps I should buy my stuff in $50 increments so I can get more free beverages. Whaddaya think?

I took a nap this afternoon. I was just barely asleep when Grandma called to tell me something. I told her I was laying down and we'd talk later, probably tomorrow. About 45 minutes later, she calls me again to tell me she can't find the recipe I want her to make for Thanksgiving. Ok, Grandma. I'm still laying down and trying to take a nap. Please don't call back for a long time. She has tremendous short-term and some long-term memory loss right now so she probably had no recollection of calling me only 45 minutes earlier. That's ok--I got to sleep another hour after she called so I felt pretty good.

Ooh, I did some kewl stuff in the darkroom today. For a few pictures, I sprayed developer onto my exposed print to get a granite-type effect. On one I held upright so the drips ran down and looked like rain. Then I put a puddle of water on the paper before I exposed the negative to it and developed it. It turned out really cool--I can't even begin to describe it except that it looks like an amoeba, sorta. It's a great picture.

I also did the contact sheet for my self portraits and there are at least 2 that are ok so I have enough for my assignment. I'm so relieved. I didn't want to have to do that again. I took this class to learn how to take pictures of other people, not to race my timer.

We had Indian food for dinner tonight. Mmmm. I love it. But I'm craving a tuna sandwich on soft white bread right now with sweet pickles. What's up with that at midnight?

Ed previewed Harry Potter today and pronounced it ok for Joey to see. He figures there are some spots where it will be too loud for her (she is very sensitive to loud noises) but he can prepare her for them because he knows where they are. We're going on Wednesday afternoon when school gets out. It will be a great family date.

We went to Nordstrom today and they had a big note in their display windows out front that said something to the effect that the Nordstrom family believes that Thanksgiving is an important holiday all its own and in keeping with that belief, they would refrain from decorating the stores for Christmas until after Thanksgiving. (Of course, that means that their employees will probably have to *work* on Thanksgiving to put up those decorations, or they'll have to work very late on Wednesday. Either way, their employees do not get to enjoy Thanksgiving much.) Still, it was refreshing to shop in a store devoid of Christmas overkill in mid-November. How rare.

That tuna sandwich is freaking screaming my name so I think I'll have to have a half of one. Later...


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