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Come get reviewed too!
11-15-2001 @ midnight

It poured today. Rain rain rain. I'm just glad it wasn't rainy when we had to wait in a 25-minute line out the door at McDonald's tonight. More on that later.

I had sushi again today. (Lobotomybabe does happy dance) I'm so glad a great sushi place opened up 12 minutes away. Only 12 darn minutes away. How wonderful is that? I could go for more, too. Mmmm... Hey, AB--when you coming to Oregon to eat sushi with me???

Ed arrived home safely today. I'm always so relieved and somewhat surprised when his planes don't crash. Not that I expect his plane to crash, but there's a small part of my brain that is terrified that I'll never see him again when he goes on a business trip. I'm glad he won't be going anywhere for awhile. I'm out of practice having him gone. When he was traveling almost every other week, no problem. But he hasn't travelled since last April.

I went to a baby shower for a woman in my neighborhood tonight. Her daughter is in Joey's class and they've become good friends and I've become friends with the mom. We have each other's daughters over often. Judy is expecting twin boys and will deliver in 2 or 3 weeks. They will be her 4th and 5th children. Wow! Crazy town!

Tonight was McTeacher's Night at McDonald's. The teachers and principal of Joey's school ran the cash registers, made fries, cooked burgers and hung out in the lobby and the school made a percentage of the sales. It was a madhouse there--hundreds of people were there. I'll bet the school (and that McDonald's) made a tidy little sum tonight--looked like a third of the town was there and the line was out the door and down the sidewalk all night. If Joey hadn't have been so insistent, I never would have waited 25 minutes to eat a bad hamburger. bleh. But she had fun seeing her friends and her teacher.

I watched the video that came with my mat cutter today. Ed bought me a mat cutter 4 or 5 years ago and I've never used it. I just didn't need any mats cut and didn't feel like figuring it out. But now I have a lot of things that need matting (photographs) so I thought it would be a good time to learn how to use it. I can't believe it's so easy! I'm going to be a mat cuttng fool. You just watch me. All I need now is some mat board. That, however, is easily remedied. I'll get some foam-core and I'll be unstoppable!

Tomorrow, I get to spend the day in the photo lab. Wee haw! I live for that dark room these days. I have to remember to bring my hair dryer to dry my prints tomorrow. I think I'll bring a plastic bag in case I have to leave in a hurry.

Later, y'all...


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