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11-07-2001 @ 9:46 p.m.
Going Stir Crazy

Cabin fever, my dear readers. I had it bad. After not leaving the house for about 56 hours, I simply had to get out of this house!

My house is all nice and tidy--that icy cold Dr Pepper I drank last night at 10pm got me all pumped up so I washed and dried clothes, folded clothes, put the clean laundry away, sewed the armpits of my favorite old black sweater, tidied up the bathroom vanity, put various and sundry mislaid items away, cleaned out my medicine chest, my herbal tea stash, did the dishes and then fell into bed for about a half hour of reading at 1:30am.

I feel something like a butterfly. I've been hidden in the this house seeing absolutely no one except Joey since Monday, not showering, not even combing my hair and today I newly orangified my hair, showered, put on deoderant, styled my hair, dressed in dignified clothes (including a *bra*), put on shoes and emerged into the world again. I felt like a new woman. Like I had percolated here in my little coccoon until I was just ripe enough and then *boom*. A new Lobotomybabe. It felt truly wonderful.

So Joey and I went to run some errands. She promptly fell asleep in the car while we were driving. I turned in some overdue library books and then we went shopping for socks and a winter coat for her. We found a lovely periwinkle microfiber anorak-style jacket that she and I both instantly fell in love with. I also bought 2 picture frames.

Oh no--the rumpled Listerine guy is on TV with his fake gargling and earnest eyes. Where the hell did they dig this guy up?

Joey seemed pretty good today so I thought she would be ok for going to school tomorrow but I'm afeared that she will have to stay home yet again. She has a productive, chesty cough and I don't think I should let her spread those flu germs all over her classroom. I'll reserve final judgment for the morning but given the fact that she begged to stop eating dinner and go to bed before 7pm and was asleep by 7:05, I'm thinking she'll be home again tomorrow. Ed says he'll be home around 2pm, though, so I'm planning to hit the lab since I missed class today.

I hate for Joey to miss school again but at least we're keeping up on her lessons and homework and piano practice.

You'd think I'm the one with the fever the way I've been so ditzy today. I was supposed to meet Stacey after class today (the class I didn't go to) to give her some papers she needed but I totally forgot about it because I didn't go to class. Then I forgot to cancel Joey's therapy appointment for today. But that wasn't the worst of it--I agreed to an appointment for 2pm. Why the hell would I agree to that? Joey doesn't get out of school until 2:15! So I was a ditz 3 weeks ago and thought the appointment was for 3pm (which is what I wrote on 2 calendars) and then forgot to cancel it today. Now I'm going to have to pay for that missed appointment--$120. Ouch! And then I left my car running at the curb when I turned in my library books. I meant to turn off the car and thought I had done so until I walked back and realized I didn't have my keys in my pocket and the car was idling. Good thing the library is in the same building as the city hall and police department. I promise--my hair is red. I have no blonde anywhere! ::sigh::

I'm still having flashbacks to yesterday when I was banned from Diaryland. ::shudder:: It was wonderful when I was able to just walk up to my computer and log in to Diaryland.

My friend Holly called me today and said "Do you have a camera?" I laughed loudly. Yeah, I have three. You need a picture taken? She wants a family picture taken. No problem. I just had to laugh at her question, though. Who doesn't have a camera? I mean, among our social circle.

I started reading a great book last night called "Good in Bed" by Jennifer Weiner. I'm loving it and highly recommend it so far. When I finish it, I'll post a book review. I have a feeling there will be others here who will dig this book, too.

And now I'm going to read more of my great book.


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