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10-27-2001 @ 12:11 a.m.
Finally--a Trophy!

Today was Joey's last soccer game and it was pouring down rain for it. Unfortunately (or was it fortunately?) I awoke to the anguish of menstrual cramps so I stayed home from the game and curled up on the couch waiting for the drugs to work. Ed said that the girls all played in their jackets and coats and the only way you could tell which team a player was on was by the socks.

Later, after the game, we had the end-of-soccer party. It was mayhem and I just rolled with it. Not my problem. Joey got her coveted and long-awaited first trophy and Coach Phil said she was one of her favorite players when he talked about her and said she was one of the most improved players on the team. Joey beamed.

We went to a church Halloween party in a big barn owned by someone in our congregation. There was a bluegrass band there but they didn't so much play bluegrass as countrified versions of Beatles songs. Whatever. The children trick-or-treated at the stall doors and had a great time. There were some games and a spook alley but Joey wasn't the least bit interested in the spook alley and the games were aimed at a younger crowd, so after the dinner (honey-baked ham and potato casseroles with chips crumbled on top--you know, church food), we left.

We were invited to play card with Russell and DeLyn afterward but Joey said she was too tired to do it and said she wanted to go to bed. We called her bluff and said she could stay home with Grandma but would need to go to bed, so at 7:30, she got herself into bed. I guess she really *was* tired.

Something that I ate at the soccer party (Godfather's Pizza) didn't agree with me and caused very watery diarrhea. Since we were going to play games, I decided to take some Immodium. I don't usually do that--I prefer to let diarrhea run it's course assuming that if my body wants to reject something I've eaten, who am I to object? But I took it and now my stomach is all growly and bubbly and I'm wishing I hadn't taken the medicine. It's a tough call--abdominal cramps and frequent trips to the loo or gurgly, grindy stomach?

And now my eyes are very dry and need to be closed for awhile.



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