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09-19-2001 @ 9:20 p.m.
Adventures in Domesticity

I made a big gaff today. I thought Joey's therapy was at 4:00 but at 3:15, the therapist calls and asks where we are. I told her we were at least 20 minutes away and I wasn't able to walk out the door right that very second. She hated to bill me for time that we didn't use so we did therapy on the phone for about 45 minutes. It was good, if not face to face. She was delighted with the progress Joey has made in her goals (to go to sleep with all the lights out except her night light) and her adjustment at school (though after Joey's homework difficulties tonight, I'm thinking she's got more stress and axiety about school than she's letting on). Anyway, we talked long enough that she said she felt comfortable with our appointment and would be able to bill insurance for the session.

Joey and I tried to buy Ed's birthday present but it turns out that we can't buy it until November. We'll have to print out a picture of it and wrap it up for him. She's pretty excited about the gift. When I told her what we were getting, she opened her eyes wide, smiled broadly and said "you're awesome. I mean it, you're awesome, Mom." It was very cute.

Dinner alert: I made Moroccan Chicken and Prunes for dinner tonight. It was *very* good--succulent pieces of chicken braised with onions and and plump prunes and apricots in a fragrant liquid laced with cinnamon, allspice, ginger and pepper. It made my whole house smell great. I also made jasmine rice with cinnamon, allspice and cardammom. To top it off, I made banana cream pie--one for us, one for the neighbors. I made it in my neighbor's own pie plate and brought it over to her. She was delighted and even gave me a hug.

Stacy came by for a visit this afternoon. She brought my resin-coated (RC) paper for making prints and my black & white film. I'm seriously loaded now! Time for school to start Monday. I picked up lunch for us--sesame chicken and fried rice. It was nice to hang with her for awhile today. We listened to NPR for awhile. It was interesting but I'm not sure I agreed with everything they said, though. They didn't even agree with each other so it looks like no one knows really what they're talking about.

Joey had a meltdown tonight about practicing her spelling words. She just can't stand to work on spelling words. We have her only write the ones that she needs practice on but she just hates hates hates it. I'm at my wit's end about what to do with them and it's only the second week of spelling. Perhaps I'll ask her teacher for some suggestions. She started to cry, saying that she never gets to write about what *she* wants to write about and she's tired of writing what people tell her to write. It's so hard to be seven.

Tomorrow is big shopping day. I need stuff like groceries for the Big Rib Night Friday. And I need to pick up my photos at Costco. Tomorrow is also The Man's 39th birthday. Unfortunately we can't do much to celebrate because Ed won't be home before Parent's Night at school and Joey will be in bed, or almost there, when we get back. So we'll have to figure out some other plan for celebrating the anniversary of his nascence.

I didn't let myself take a nap today (except for about a 15-minute power nap at 6:00) so I would be tired for bed tonight. Hopefully it will help me get a good night's sleep. Here's to lounging in the arms of Morpheus...


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