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09-11-2001 @ 10:06 p.m.
"Who will take care of them?"

I took Joey to soccer practice tonight. It seemed strangely incongruous to be going about my regular life--fixing dinner, helping with homework, going to soccer practice--on a day such as this. I sat in my chair on the side of the field and smelled the sweet late summer air. I regarded the beautiful pink clouds with a jaded eye. On any other evening, these would be magnificent but today they only made me more sad.

Tonight we prayed as a family. We thanked God for our safety and asked for comfort and help for those who lost friends and family members and help for those awaiting rescue. We asked for blessings upon our nation's leaders to make wise decisions. And I hugged my little girl and thanked God that I was able to do so.

After the prayer, Joey asked "Do they let women work where the planes crashed?" Yes, I said. "So there are some children who might have lost their mommy and their daddy today?" she asked in a very choked voice. With tears in my eyes, I nodded. Yes, that could have happened today. "That's really sad, Mommy. Who will take care of them?" I could see tears gathering in her little eyes, no longer innocent to the vile workings of an evil mind. I don't know who, I tried to say. But I couldn't so I shrugged my shoulders. Someone will care for them, I said. I hugged her again, an orange-sized knot in my throat. I love you, I whispered.


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