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06-11-2001 @ post-midnight
A Tale of Woe

I'm still sick. How many weeks has this been, anyway? Oh yeah, 3 damn days. Why does it seem like weeks?? Oh yeah, I know, because I feel like crap. This cough is going to kill me. My chest muscles are already sore from coughing and my jaw muscles are sore from coughing (I have TMJ problems so it doesn't take much to aggravate them). I'm about to go to the store and get me some Depends, too. I'm sick of peeing my pants all day long as I cough my spleen out. (This is likely way more information than you wanted to know but, that's one of the risks of reading my journal.) Thanks to Marna for calling me today to check on me. That really made my day.

My A&P exam was easy-peasy, to quote Jamie Oliver (the Naked Chef). I'm just so very glad he didn't make it comprehensive. I came back home after the test, ate and took a nap before my Chemistry oral presentation. That went well, too, considering the current state of my health.

Here's a question--why is it that this cold seems to have seriously stimulated my appetite? I've been doing very well with my weight loss plan and making good eating choices but ever since I got sick, I can't seem to satiate myself! I thought that only happened when you had a fever (of which I've had none). I'm also retaining water like crazy because I've been craving salt. Oh--here's a thought--could be PMS. Duh! I always get ravenous the week before my period. And retain water like a water balloon. Let's see--I should be getting a headache any day now. Ooh, and I've been crabby as hell. I was attributing it to being sick (which surely doesn't help any) but now I see this is more about hormones at play than cold virus hell. (My cycle is very irregular so sometimes I'm not sure where I am in my cycle until some PMS symptoms hit me.)

I do believe that is the end of my even vaguely interesting things to say so I shall bid you adieu and hit the sack.


--L (BTW, I *do* know that there was a federal execution today but in my efforts to boycott the subject--especially news reports on such inane topics as what he requested for his last dinner--I am not acknowledging it.)

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