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06-09-2001 @ 10:45 p.m.
Public Figures

I saw a bumper sticker last week that has had me in stitches ever since. It was a quote attributed to Nostradamus and it said "In the millenium in the 12th month, a village idiot will come forth and be acclaimed leader." It had a picture of George Bush next to the text.

Now I'm not anti-Bush. I want to say that up front. But I'm not pro-Bush, either. I'm finding myself sitting back and just watching. Sometimes I shake my head and think "what the hell?" and other times I think "Ok, that's not so bad." But I don't think he's the sharpest knife in the drawer, so this quote just cracks me up.

I'm also left wondering what the hell is up with his daughters? Are they truly as nitwitted as he is? Monumentally stupid is how I described the fake ID incident earlier. I don't think they are. Jenna Bush has a Secret Service agent with her at all times. She is the freaking President's daughter. Does anyone think for one minute that she didn't fully expect to get "caught." This was statement making in the flesh. The real question isn't 'how could they do this' but 'what are they trying to say?'

So what are they trying to say? "We told you we didn't want you to run for President?" "We're tired of being dutiful daughters already?" "We're too stupid to live?" "We're part of a vast left-wing conspiracy to smear the presidency?" "We want some attention, too?" "This are boring here at school?" "We want some attention, here, Dad?"

Some people have excused their actions as the typical actions of a college student blown out of proportion because of their status as First Children. Possibly. Doesn't matter--it's still illegal and still stupid. What about Aunt Nancy's JUST SAY NO idea?

Others have suggested that this was a cry for help insinuating that Jenna Bush is an alcoholic. Nah, I doubt that very much. Alcoholics in my experience are more subtle. More afraid of being found out.

Some have criticized the media for making a big deal out of a rather mundane and common occurrence. But when public figures break the law, even when it's as mundane as jaywalking, it's news. Difficult as it may be to live with, they are indeed public figures and as such need to live above the law and need to exercise a certain amount of decorum. There is a long history of Presidential family members embarrassing the President. We've just grown so accustomed to having the President embarrass himself that we're not used to watching his family members do it for him.

I don't know what they were trying to say and I have a hunch they aren't entirely sure themselves. They just had to say something and say it loud enough to get noticed. Now they have said it. I hope they got what they were looking for.

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