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05-29-2001 @ 11:00 p.m.
Lovely Day

I didn't have school today until 2pm so I had a lovely day by myself. First, I got dressed in exercise clothes and then took Joey to school. On the way home, I stopped at Bed, Bath & Beyond. Nearly a big mistake, but not bad. I did buy a new set of sheets. A luxurious set of sheets--100% pima cotton 440 thread count. I can hardly wait to crawl into them! I just washed my jersey sheets yesterday, though, so I'll have to wait a bit before I change sheets. I can't do it twice in 2 days. One of my least favorite grown up person things to do is change the sheets. I always end up hurting myself--banging a knuckle on the headboard or bending a fingernail backward or something like that. Never fails. Anyway, while I was walking around the store, my ears popped and I realized that my left ear has been slightly plugged for weeks. It felt so nice to be able to hear clearly again. I don't hear well out of that ear anyway, so sometimes I'm not sure if the reason I can't hear well is due to my high frequency hearing loss in that ear or because it's a little plugged.

When I got back from my visit to BB&B, I pumped up my bike tires and went for a ride. It was lovely. I rode over to a subdivision that I never go to and rode around looking at the landscaping. I discovered a cool iris plant along the side of a house and was thinking, "I need to find out what that plant is," and then I realized that the house where the plant lived belonged to a friend of mine so I think I'll call her up and see if she knows the name of that iris. It would look swell in the planter bed Ed finished yesterday on the side of the house. Low maintenance, too.

I had a great ride. I loved being in the fresh air and breathing deep and hard and using those muscles and burning that fat. (Speaking of which, this morning I was finally exactly at the weight I was before I went on the beach trip. It took exactly a week to lose that dreadful 2 lbs. that I put on in 2 days. No wonder it's so freaking hard to lose weight!)

When I got back, I felt compelled to bleach and scrub two 2x4s that my cat had peed on in the garage. Ed hates my cat (I'll have to talk about that sometime) and since she is my cat (he has disowned her), anything she does is my fault. So. I washed and bleached his wood. It is fresh and ready to be cut and nailed. I'm sure I looked pretty silly out there on the sidewalk with a big giant scrub brush scrubbing a couple of hunks of wood. No one came by, though. Whew!

Then I had lunch--delicious leftover grilled chicken and pasta salad. It was so good! I loved having good food that I've prepared all ready for me in my fridge--the ultimate convenience food.

I started putting some clothes away that I folded today (no cracks about how long it takes me to do laundry--I had something like 7 loads to do, if you count the sheets and Joey's laundry and a blanket I washed.) and decided this was a good time to purge. Boy, did that feel good. I dug out a bunch of sweaters that I didn't wear this past winter and some big shirts that I didn't wear and by the time I was done, I had 2/3 of a outdoor garbage sack filled with clothes and old Nordstrom hangers. I'll be making a Goodwill run soon, that's for sure.

Then I went to school for my open lab and got a bit of a headache studying slides of lungs and livers and esophaguses and testicles and ovaries. I don't like doing that. I'd never make it as a lab tech--I get motion sick if I look through the eye piece while I move the object. It's ridiculous.

I had a lovely visit with Stacey when I went to pick up Joey because I left lab about 40 mins. early. That was great. I love just hanging out and chewing the fat with her. I got to look at her latest photographs. I always love to look at her photographs. She's going to be so good someday. I mean, I think she is good now, but I think she has a big future in this business.

The rest of the evening was just ok. I made blueberry muffins again for dessert. I love my blueberry muffins--they are so tasty. By 9:30, though I was wasted and should have gone to bed but I wasn't done with the freaking laundry! I have one load left--a load of Joey's clothes and I'm determined to fold them before I got to sleep.

I saw the neatest dust devil today in the parking lot at BB&B. It was swirling around the chaff from the pine cones and it was going fast. I stopped my car and watched it until it died out. It went for about 5 minutes. Not only was it swirling around madly in the middle, it was moving around in a big circle. I was just captivated by it.

Two more days until I get my acupuncture for allergies. I hope it works fast because each day my allergies get worse. And now I'm out of Claritin. I may have to try to choke down one of Ed's tomorrow so I don't die during class.

Time to fold clothes. These are the last clothes I'll be folding for at least a few days. I promise.


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