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04-27-2001 @ 11:02 p.m.

Ah--the weekend! We have nothing planned for the weekend. No social engagements, no meetings, no work, no obligations, except for Joey's therapy at 1pm tomorrow. And it's supposed to rain all weekend so we don't have to do any yardwork either. I want to do some cooking--perhaps I'll make that bolognese sauce I've been planning for dinner. I also want to work with Joey to clean her room and do some purging of old toys and stuff she doesn't need. I think it's time to take her Christmas tree down, too. (Don't even ask.)

It's time to redo Joey's room. She wants to get rid of the pink and purple and ballerinas and go with a Mexican theme. I think that would be fun. She says "Since my ancestors came from Mexico, I think I should have a Mexican room. It's very important to me." I love how she's connecting with her heritage. I always wanted her to feel like she could identify with people of her ethnic heritage, even though Ed and I don't share it. We all have our own ethnic heritage--Ed's is Japanese and Irish, mine is Anglo-Scandanavian and Joey's is Anglo-Mexican. I think we need to go to the Cinco de Mayo festival at the waterfront next weekend to see if we can find any kewl decorations for her room. I think a Mexican blanket would look great tacked to the wall. And a sombrero. And some great Mexican pottery. I'm not sure I want to do a lot of red and green wall painting, though. I'm not sure what we'll do with the walls yet. We could go yellow, I think.

I'm ovulating. Not that it matters. I make my own natural spermicide so I can ovulate all I want and it makes no difference. But I'm always aware of when I ovulate. I can feel it. This month it's my right ovary. I've felt little pains of mittelshmerz all day.

I'm watching Iron Chef. What a strange show. But I love it. Except for the fact that the challenger almost never wins. I've rarely seen something prepared on that show that I'd be interested in eating. It scares me sometimes. One day the secret ingredient was turkey and the Iron Chef made turkey sashimi. You could't pay me enough to eat that. Yech!

Weekend! I'm just so tickled that it's the weekend. I don't know why--it wasn't a particularly difficult or stressful week. I was just ready for the weekend. I should spend some time studying for my chemistry test on Wednesday. If I get some studying under my belt this weekend, I won't stress out because it's bookgroup on Tuesday. I need to be prepared for the test by Tuesday. Plus do my chem lab pre and post labs. Not that my study plans are all that interesting to you!

The Iron Chef won. How rare.

It feels like everyone has a damn muse but me. Of course, I haven't been doing much to invite my muse to visit, but still... It's spring. I should be writing my ass off like I usually do. Last year I was in serious homework avoidance mode and did a lot of writing. I guess I don't hate studying as much this year as I did last year.

I'm reading this great book called MAKAI by Kathleen Tyau. I love it. The book is set in Hawaii and ranges from just before WWII to the late 70s. There are liberal sprinklings of pidgin English, too, which is just music to my ears. It takes me back to my many visits to the islands when I was a kid visiting Grandma. Kathleen Tyau just happens to live in Oregon--I wonder if she would make a surprise appearance at our bookgroup? I'm going to give her a call--I think I found her phone number. Wouldn't that be fun to have a book discussion with the author? I've got to get her here!

I need to give the cat her asthma medicine. She's having trouble breathing so it's time to go. Bobby Flay is on--he has man-boobs. Ick. And Jacqui Malouf is not on this one so it's going to be dull. What were they thinking?????



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